Got Blues?
(too old to reply)
2008-07-11 17:52:10 UTC
Hiya all.

Every so often I solo over the backing track to "Still got the Blues" by
Gary Moore.

The solos are improvised and I am not even attempting to play the original
"tune", literally an improvised lead.
Though there is some echo of the original theme.

Anyways, I though my latest attempt was kind of reasonable so I've added it
to the n-player here:

track entitled Got Blues? (6:12)

There are a couple of bum notes and a few clicks and glitches caused by the
creaky old pc trying to run amplitube as well as record :-/

Anyways, over all I thought it wasnt too bad - though far from perfect.

Guitar: Ibanez GSA 60 with neck SC pickup.
Amplitube model: shine on live with a touch of reverb and the delay knocked

If you fancy having a listen, I hope you enjoy :-)

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2008-07-11 18:00:40 UTC
"no66y©" wrote in message
Post by no66y©
Anyways, I though my latest attempt was kind of reasonable so I've added
Though this guy does it a little better than I do ;-)

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Dr. Hackenbush
2008-07-14 14:50:09 UTC
Post by no66y©
"no66y©" wrote in message
Post by no66y©
Anyways, I though my latest attempt was kind of reasonable so I've added
Though this guy does it a little better than I do ;-)
Those who find they're touched by madness
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no66ys den: http://no66y.designxp.co.uk/
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A few outside notes but otherwise pretty good. not too far off G. Moores
sound either, was that Guitar Rig ?
Take off the noise at the start and end of the lead, reduce the vol at
those parts or chop them off or a noise gate.

do some punch in overdubs on new tracks to replace the duff notes on the
original and then slice up the original where the duffers are, slide them
down to a new track, mute that track and activate the track/s with the
overdubs and hey presto a perfect performance, thats one way the pros do it.

another option thats pretty easy, is to use Celomony Melodyne. Cut the lead
up again where youre not happy with things and use Melodyne to correct the
duffers by literally dragging the notes "waveforms" up or down to the
correct pitch.
2008-07-16 12:19:15 UTC
"Dr. Hackenbush" wrote in message
Post by Dr. Hackenbush
A few outside notes but otherwise pretty good. not too far off G. Moores
sound either, was that Guitar Rig ?
Thanks for having a listen. I know there are some bum notes but overall I
felt I'd gotten into the "zone" (whatever that is LOL)
so felt it was worth keeping.
I used one of the models in amplitube to get the tone as I'm still
struggling to get a lead tone I like from my amp :-(
Post by Dr. Hackenbush
do some punch in overdubs on new tracks to replace the duff notes on the
original and then slice up the original where the duffers are, slide them
down to a new track, mute that track and activate the track/s with the
overdubs and hey presto a perfect performance, thats one way the pros do it.
I partly understood part of that :-)
I think I get what you mean - basically remove the dud notes and replace
just those with the correct notes?
I'm not overly worried about bum notes in that one as I regularly noodle
over that backing so it may well get replaced soon anyways.
Post by Dr. Hackenbush
another option thats pretty easy, is to use Celomony Melodyne. Cut the
lead up again where youre not happy with things and use Melodyne to
correct the duffers by literally dragging the notes "waveforms" up or down
to the correct pitch.
I have never heard of Melodyne to be honest. It sounds like an interesting
bit of kit!

Ahhh.. I still have a lot to learn!

Those who find they're touched by madness
Sit down next to me.
Virtual Preserve are here!
no66ys den: http://no66y.designxp.co.uk/
Reply to address is a spam trap.
Use no66y [at] breathe [dot] com
2008-07-16 13:35:20 UTC
Post by no66y©
"Dr. Hackenbush" wrote in message
Post by Dr. Hackenbush
A few outside notes but otherwise pretty good. not too far off G. Moores
sound either, was that Guitar Rig ?
Thanks for having a listen. I know there are some bum notes but overall I
felt I'd gotten into the "zone" (whatever that is LOL)
so felt it was worth keeping.
I used one of the models in amplitube to get the tone as I'm still
struggling to get a lead tone I like from my amp :-(
Post by Dr. Hackenbush
do some punch in overdubs on new tracks to replace the duff notes on the
original and then slice up the original where the duffers are, slide them
down to a new track, mute that track and activate the track/s with the
overdubs and hey presto a perfect performance, thats one way the pros do it.
I partly understood part of that :-)
I think I get what you mean - basically remove the dud notes and replace
just those with the correct notes?
I'm not overly worried about bum notes in that one as I regularly noodle
over that backing so it may well get replaced soon anyways.
Post by Dr. Hackenbush
another option thats pretty easy, is to use Celomony Melodyne. Cut the
lead up again where youre not happy with things and use Melodyne to
correct the duffers by literally dragging the notes "waveforms" up or
down to the correct pitch.
I have never heard of Melodyne to be honest. It sounds like an interesting
bit of kit!
Ahhh.. I still have a lot to learn!
Nice bit of playing buddy, nice runs and stuff! Don't foget your rhythm
playing,I love those rock tracks you put out! :-)


2008-07-16 17:34:35 UTC
"Angof" wrote in message
Post by Angof
Nice bit of playing buddy, nice runs and stuff! Don't foget your rhythm
playing,I love those rock tracks you put out! :-)
Thanks :-)
I always felt that there was something missing in my lead work - I have no
idea how you would define what was missing mind you! (ingredient X? )
But when I played that lead I felt as though a little bit of ingredient X
had crept in hence the decision to keep it.

Rhythm tracks? LOL, I have been playing around with something but I seem to
have hit a brick wall with it (probably due to my lack of theory knowledge)
Something may pop up though :-)
Those who find they're touched by madness
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no66ys den: http://no66y.designxp.co.uk/
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Use no66y [at] breathe [dot] com
Lord Valve
2008-07-15 18:15:34 UTC
Post by no66y©
Hiya all.
Every so often I solo over the backing track to "Still got the Blues" by
Gary Moore.
The solos are improvised and I am not even attempting to play the original
"tune", literally an improvised lead.
Though there is some echo of the original theme.
Anyways, I though my latest attempt was kind of reasonable so I've added it
track entitled Got Blues? (6:12)
There are a couple of bum notes and a few clicks and glitches caused by the
creaky old pc trying to run amplitube as well as record :-/
Anyways, over all I thought it wasnt too bad - though far from perfect.
Guitar: Ibanez GSA 60 with neck SC pickup.
Amplitube model: shine on live with a touch of reverb and the delay knocked
If you fancy having a listen, I hope you enjoy :-)
Those who find they're touched by madness
Sit down next to me.
Virtual Preserve are here!
no66ys den: http://no66y.designxp.co.uk/
Reply to address is a spam trap.
Use no66y [at] breathe [dot] com
I listened to everything you have available at that URL.

It was better than I would have expected, but it did indeed
reflect the "modern" obsession with production technique
at the expense of actual skills. For an unschooled player,
you are certainly listenable - but it's obvious from the way
you move notes and chords that your compositional skills
come from many hours of listening to the radio. Please
understand that I'm not putting you down; I'm suggesting
that it wouldn't hurt for you to learn some music theory,
maybe even to learn to read music. It won't subract from
your youthful "authenticity;" you'll still be able to connect
with the folks you seek connection with. The way it goes
most of the time nowadays is that someone comes up with
an idea - a little snippet of melody or an interesting chord
change - and then records something based on it, adding
bits of this and that, triggering canned phrases, dragging
notes around on a screen, etc. When he's done, he presents
his opus and pats himself upon the back, proclaiming his
prowess on whatever instrument plays the lead line. His
work may demonstrate skill at manipulating a mouse or
operating certain software, but it's hardly virtuosity. After
all, Bach managed to produce some of the most fabulous
music ever composed before anyone had even heard of

I *did* like your stuff, although most of your tracks are
too long, in my not-so-humble opinion. You have something
worth developing; do it the hard way (learn theory and harmony)
and fuck the software - you'll be a much better player for it.

What can you do live? Single pass, no punching in, no
pitch correcting, no effects?

Lord Valve
2008-07-16 17:08:40 UTC
"Lord Valve" wrote in message
Post by Lord Valve
I listened to everything you have available at that URL.
Hi :-)
Thanks for having a listen, its much appreciated.
Gotta say, great post - very very thought provoking.

I'm still a relative beginner with guitar so I still have an awful lot to
I've never had proper lessons either so sometimes the learning curve can be
a tad steep :-)
Often, I can "imagine" what I want the thing to sound like, how I want the
piece to progress but actually getting that sound etc often proves a bit

For some reason, I'm still struggling to get a lead tone I like from my amp
(hot rod evj). That could be down to my inexperience, poor pickups (my
guitars are all *budget* guitars) or even the valves in the amp (different
valves can produce different tones? the pre amp valve is a "JJ ECC83" and
the output power amp is an EL84, I take it from your user name your
knowledgably about these things? I haven't the first idea I must confess.).

I do try to keep computer alteration/fx down to a minimum - though there are
times when I just get the urge to "space out" as with the track lunar
sunrise - I was just messing with effects, strung a load together and
thought the end product was cool, in a trippy kind of way. And, if Pink
Floyd can do that and call it art then so can I :-)

I'm still a little split when it comes to "enhancements". Do you avoid them
in order to "keep it live"? Or, the other school of thought - the technology
exists so why not use it? I'm not sure to be honest. I try to keep post
recording production to a minimum, buts that's because I don't really know
what I'm doing LOL.
What do others think I wonder?

I'm pleased you liked some of the pieces. As I said, I'm still essentially a
beginner and hopefully my playing and composition will improve as time goes
on. I do want to learn more theory which would help with composition etc....
sometimes I find a cool lick or riff but struggle to take it anywhere
meaningful. Sure, I could play that riff 35 times and call it a song but it
would sound crap no matter how cool the riff was. I guess I need to learn
more about structure, creating bridges etc.... After all, I find creating
music more interesting than doing covers.
Post by Lord Valve
After all, Bach managed to produce some of the most fabulous
music ever composed before anyone had even heard of
That is a great sentence and so very true.

Your whole post has really got my brain ticking over, many thanks for
posting. I'm sure it will get others thinking too.

Those who find they're touched by madness
Sit down next to me.
Virtual Preserve are here!
no66ys den: http://no66y.designxp.co.uk/
Reply to address is a spam trap.
Use no66y [at] breathe [dot] com
Lord Valve
2008-07-16 20:24:18 UTC
Post by no66y©
"Lord Valve" wrote in message
Post by Lord Valve
I listened to everything you have available at that URL.
Hi :-)
Thanks for having a listen, its much appreciated.
Gotta say, great post - very very thought provoking.
I'm still a relative beginner with guitar so I still have an awful lot to
I've never had proper lessons either so sometimes the learning curve can be
a tad steep :-)
Often, I can "imagine" what I want the thing to sound like, how I want the
piece to progress but actually getting that sound etc often proves a bit
For some reason, I'm still struggling to get a lead tone I like from my amp
(hot rod evj). That could be down to my inexperience, poor pickups (my
guitars are all *budget* guitars) or even the valves in the amp (different
valves can produce different tones? the pre amp valve is a "JJ ECC83" and
the output power amp is an EL84, I take it from your user name your
knowledgably about these things?
I'm Derek Trucks' amp tech. I also built the two amps Derek uses with the
Allman Brothers Band.

I sell a *lot* of tubes (valves) and other amp parts.
Post by no66y©
I haven't the first idea I must confess.).
I do try to keep computer alteration/fx down to a minimum - though there are
times when I just get the urge to "space out" as with the track lunar
sunrise - I was just messing with effects, strung a load together and
thought the end product was cool, in a trippy kind of way. And, if Pink
Floyd can do that and call it art then so can I :-)
I'm still a little split when it comes to "enhancements". Do you avoid them
in order to "keep it live"? Or, the other school of thought - the technology
exists so why not use it? I'm not sure to be honest. I try to keep post
recording production to a minimum, buts that's because I don't really know
what I'm doing LOL.
Effects and post-production "sweetening" will not cover up poor ability.

I would suggest you listen to Derek for awhile. He
uses an SG reissue, a 20-foot cable, and a '65
Blackface Super Reverb. That's it. All the rest
of what you hear is him, playing his ass off. The
*very* best piece of advice I can give you is for
you to pay very little attention to whatever it is
that's "popular" right now until you've had a
thorough listen to the original cats, the innovators.
These would include Charlie Christian, Wes Montgomery,
Django Reinhardt, and a whole host of other jazz
cats like Ed Bickert, Lenny Breau, Kenny Burrell,
Grant Green, Joe Pass, Bucky Pizarrelli, etc.
Let's not forget George Benson, either. Smokin'!
On the classical side, Andres Segovia, certainly.
A listen to Charo (flamenco) wouldn't hurt, either.
The fact that none of these players are inside your
chosen genre is immaterial - the techniques they
offer can be applied to anything. Develop a respect
for that which has gone before, and you will have a
shot at becoming an innovator (like Derek).
Post by no66y©
Your whole post has really got my brain ticking over, many thanks for
posting. I'm sure it will get others thinking too.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. ;-)

Lord Valve/Fat Willie
Old Fart

YouTube links:

(electric piano)


Me jamming with Derek trucks at the Gothic Theater (Denver)
in March '05:


This is audio only; I'm on "Feel So Bad," an old Little Milton tune.

Enjoy. ;-)
2008-07-17 13:00:10 UTC
"Lord Valve" wrote in message
Post by Lord Valve
I'm Derek Trucks' amp tech. I also built the two amps Derek uses with the
Allman Brothers Band.
I sell a *lot* of tubes (valves) and other amp parts.
Ah right. Excellent. You will know far more than I about valve
combinations/setups etc.
This is my amp:

Probably still not upto pro standard but it does me :-) I'll assume the
valve combination is OK as I dont know enough to think otherwise.
I can post the full spec if anyone is interested?
Post by Lord Valve
I would suggest you listen to Derek for awhile. He
uses an SG reissue, a 20-foot cable, and a '65
Blackface Super Reverb. That's it. All the rest
of what you hear is him, playing his ass off.
I had a quick look at some of the videos of him on youtube. I soon came
across this one and it blew me away:
"Key to the highway"

*Really* awesome stuff. That is some playing.

If I run my LP directly into my amp, I can get some really cool rhythm
sounds but the lead tones don't sound great.
Its an epiphone les paul with alnico classic humbuckers. I'm guessing the
reason I cant get a good lead tone is due to the cheap pickups.
Sadly I'm a very poor Brit so simply purchasing top of the range pickups or
upgrading the guitar is not an option. I have been thinking of getting a
pocket pod to see if that helps with the tone, maybe I should re-think that

Maybe I should record a snippet of guitar and amp only and see what you
I do get frustrated with the lead tone and that's why I turn to amplitube as
often as I do.
Post by Lord Valve
*very* best piece of advice I can give you is for
you to pay very little attention to whatever it is
that's "popular" right now
I didn't think I listened to much that was popular but thinking about it,
maybe I am? Black Sabbath, Ry Cooder, Gary Moore, Alter Bridge etc...
Post by Lord Valve
until you've had a
thorough listen to the original cats, the innovators.
These would include Charlie Christian, Wes Montgomery,
Django Reinhardt, and a whole host of other jazz
cats like Ed Bickert, Lenny Breau, Kenny Burrell,
Grant Green, Joe Pass, Bucky Pizarrelli, etc.
Let's not forget George Benson, either. Smokin'!
On the classical side, Andres Segovia, certainly.
A listen to Charo (flamenco) wouldn't hurt, either.
Thats some list :-) I wouldn't even have considered listening to George
Benson if you hadn't mentioned him.
I will start checking them out. I have heard a few of them but I will check
them out again and try and take more notice of what they do and when they do
it. I must say I have really loved the Derek Trucks tracks I have heard.
Post by Lord Valve
The fact that none of these players are inside your
chosen genre is immaterial - the techniques they
offer can be applied to anything. Develop a respect
for that which has gone before, and you will have a
shot at becoming an innovator (like Derek).
I guess the fact that they outside of my chosen material is probably an
additional bonus. I, like many people I guess, will listen to things I know
I like and may not always listen to other genres. This could result in a
more insular approach to playing. I must learn to listen to a greater a
range of styles.
Your post has really got me re evaluating my view of playing these here
Post by Lord Valve
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. ;-)
"If I only had the tone" ... :-)
Post by Lord Valve
http://youtu.be/CS1b_ILxdYU (Hammond)
I like that one - I enjoyed it, nice playing.

Those who find they're touched by madness
Sit down next to me.
Virtual Preserve are here!
no66ys den: http://no66y.designxp.co.uk/
Reply to address is a spam trap.
Use no66y [at] breathe [dot] com